It is was time once again for Sierra to enter the world of dramatic arts. She
had to be prepared for anything. Her guard had to up at all times. Words were
her weapons and she wielded them with the power and knowledge of seven men!
ok..ok..I know. I really gotta stop talking about myself in the third person. It's not healthy.
But seriously! I guess it's almost been two weeks, which is weird, but I thought I would report on the out come of the Murder Mystery. It was so much fun! It turned out really well and I was so proud of everyone. We pulled our act together and we created something that was hilariously funny. I'm going to miss everyone I worked with so much. If any of you are reading this we better hang out sometime cause it would be lame to just go our separate ways...
Anyways...time for pictures!! I was a slacker and I took like 3 pictures the entire time so a special thanks to Jon-Micheal Bradley and his amazing photography skills ;)

This is Erin our lovely director and "Nat", assistant to Vera Chang who was played by Lydia the other girl in this picture. Lydia got flowers like

Top: Kayla (Julia Robertson) and Andy (Inspector Dean Anthony) relaxing on the couch.
Michelle (Catherine Zeta-Johnson), Gina (Rachel McAllen), Schyular (Jack White), and Candis (Katie Holmesly). I still want to know what Candis was saying...

This is the entire cast. I'm not going to take the time to list every person and their character because I'm lazy if you want to know who a specific person was you can ask.
So I have tons more pictures. I wish I could put them all up! If I can figure it out I might be able to put some video clips up or something. Cross your fingers.
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