Saturday, November 19, 2011

Occupy the World

So with all these Occupy Wall Street protest happening all over the country you'd think I would have made some comments about the whole situation. That's how busy I've been.

All I know is that we created the situation the Occupy people are protesting. 30 years of deregulated, neo-liberal, crony capitalism destroyed the middle class; the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, and Iran (just to name a few) have a more equitable income distribution than the United States.

There is nothing new I can really add to conversation but I do know that I am sick and tired of disgusting amount of police brutality that is occurring in connection with OWS. The people are peaceful. They do not need to be bludgeoned and beaten and pepper-sprayed. New York, Oakland, Denver, and now the students at UC Davis. This is unacceptable. I don't care how you feel about the protests in general, police para-military action is unacceptable 

This is wrong.

This is unnecessary.

This is supposed to be the United States.

This shouldn't be happening.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Later

I still remember where I was when I first heard the news. It was a normal day. I had just started 7th grade and was still getting used to my new homeroom. When the principle started morning announcements there was something different in his voice. He then explained the tragedy that was currently unfolding in New York City. My teacher quickly turned on the television. All day we just sat and watched the news and stared in horror. No one could believe what was happening. 

I remember sitting in gym talking with a friend. Even then we both knew this was huge. It would change the face of not only the United States but also the world. This would be in history books. This was going to be our generations Vietnam. 

It was this day that ultimately lead to my decision to be involved with politics. It was the day I decided I must stand up for human decency and freedom all across the global. There is enough fighting and contention in the world. Hate only breeds hate. Injustice only breeds injustice. In those few days and weeks after 9/11 this country came together in a way that had never been seen. There is no reason why we cannot have that spirit with us all the time. To not remember is a mockery to those who died that day.

I found this article (Our Post 9/11 Failures) today I think it says it better than I ever could...

We failed the biggest test posed by the 9/11 outrage: In our anger and dismay we failed to recognize our common humanity, that we are made for love and that acts such as those committed on that day are an aberration. When we looked at the terrorists we did not see ourselves, we did not consider how our actions and posturing in the world may have contributed to the crime. No. We saw “others,” and we demonized them. (Archbishop Desmond Tutu)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Class Warfare?

I was watching the Daily Show last night, like I do. And this little magical thing happened:

Part 1:
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
World of Class Warfare - Warren Buffett vs. Wealthy Conservatives
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Part 2:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
World of Class Warfare - The Poor's Free Ride Is Over
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

This basically sums up all of my problems with the "Modern American" economic model; tax-cuts for the wealthiest individuals that leave the bottom 51% of the population to shoulder the burden. That income inequality chart really gets to me every time I see it. This site has some pretty cool infographics explaining the state of US incomes.

And then take a look at the actual distribution of wealth and American citizen's perception of that distribution:

92% of the 5000 polled said they would prefer the more equitable distribution. You notice the rich people still have more money than everyone else in that option. It's just not so much that it excludes the bottom 50% from having a piece of the pie.

Also here is the Warren Buffet Op-Ed that started it all: Stop Coddling the Super-Rich

Friday, July 1, 2011

Back Home and Away

I feel bad I don't update more often but I seriously have nothing to talk about. At this point in my life I am uber-boring.

I finished up Spring Semester. Considering the amount of work I put in to it (and the amount of class I went to [re: almost none]) I think I did pretty well.

I have one semester left of my undergraduate education; which is absolutely insane. I am starting my grad school applications and that is going to put me in an early grave. Who knew personal statements where so incredibly frustrating to write. I will keep everyone updated on my progress.

In other news, I am currently babysitting my cousins two dogs; Ruby and Max. That's been an adventure.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The "Other" Blog

Also I don't think I ever shared this.

This is my other blog on Tumblr.

I post pictures and quotes and random little things.

Time is a Funny Thing...

...sometimes it goes by so fast you don't even realize it.

This has been an interesting last few months.

The last time we talked I was incapacitated by a sprained ankle and a psychosis inducing living situation . I have since removed myself from the poison environment that was my apartment and my ankle is mostly healed.

I moved in with my really good friend Sierra and her husband; who were either nice enough or crazy enough (I haven't decided which yet) to let me crash at their place while I finish up Spring semester.

Also, had a birthday. Turned 22. Nothing exciting to report on that front.

Read a few good book and saw a few good films.

Currently, totally obsessed with legendary British television show Doctor Who.

I need a vacation...or a show to be in. Either one would be fine.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Random Musings

It's been a while. My life has been so crazy I almost forgot I had a blog.

This afternoon I'm bored out of my mind and sitting in bed with a bag of frozen corn on my terminally sprained foot/ankle when I think to myself "hey...don't I have a blog or something I can waste some time on?"

So I'm back. You can all thank my apartment's crappy Everest-like stairs for my return.

Not much to say. I really miss living in NYC and having a life and my (literally) mentally unstable roommate is not helping the matter. I am in desperate need of a return to normalcy.

I am excited for two things. 1) This semester is ending in 2 and a half weeks. 2) I have tickets to the Arcade Fire concert in April.

Also, I had forgotten how stressful it was to be a senior. Standardized tests and grad school applications are not exciting; especially when you have no idea what you want to do. Should I get the degree in International Affairs? Public Health? Or maybe journalism? Maybe I should just join the Peace Corp? Or I could just forget it all and go to acting school.

It is obvious I am not ready for real life.