Wednesday, February 6, 2008

And the winner is...

I have tried to follow the presidential election very closely. And, as you can imagine, yesterday was crazy for me. Super Tuesday was a mess this year. As of right now Hillary Clinton has 50.2% of the democratic votes and Barack Obama has 49.8%. Do you even relize how close that is!? This is one of the most inconclusive polls I have ever heard of! (Which really isn't saying much, but still...) Deligate numbers are even closer. Obama leads Clinton by 13! On the Republican side McCain led with 497 delegates, to 200 for Romney and 141 for Huckabee. Which is slightly more clear cut but everything is still up in air. We still have got to wait a bit longer for the conventions to finish and offical canidates to be choosen. And then the real race begins!

**For up to the min. election and other news coverage check out The Drudge Report


I was getting bored without a play so I decided to audition for one. After many auditions and many denials I finally made it into a play called Eccentricities . It is being produced by the New Play Project. You check out what they are all about here.

--> New Play Project<---

It is really an amazing program and I am so excited to be involved in it. From the NPP website...
The mission of New Play Project is to write and produce new plays that reflect
the standards of a Utah Valley audience, to give emerging Latter-day Saint
writers a place to produce their work while maintaining their standards and
values, and to launch the most serious of those writers into writing careers.
Our performances are Febuary 29th @ 7:30 and March 1st @ 3:30 and 7:30. They will be held at the Provo Theatre Company (105 E 100 N) Tickets are only $5. It will be much fun for everyone. The plays are freaking halarious! (Trust me ;) )

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

There is Always Another Secret...

For Christmas my dear roomate, Sierra, purchesed a book for me. It was just a simple token of her appreciation for my amazingness. Little did she know she would create a monster.

The book was called Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, who is a creative writing professer here at BYU. It is about a young girl, named Vin, living in the Final Empire. A kingdom founded 1000 before by the Lord Ruler. The people revere him as a god and believe him to be immortal. But he is a tyrannt. He treats the non-nobles, called skaa, with little, if any respect. And forces them to be slaves and beggers. Vin discovers that she has a special ablity to influnce other poeple's emotions. And is discovered by a theving crew led by the engamitic Kelsier. He explains to her that she is Mistborn. She can "burn" metals to give herself super-human ablities. With the disocovery of her new powers and surrounded by Kelsier (another Mistborn) and his crew of Mistlings (people who can burn single metals instead of them all), Vin begins the impossable task of overthrowing the Lord Ruler and the Final Empire. The book is filled with action, intrigue, and romance.

I just finished the second book in the trilogy, Well of Acsension, and I cannot wait until October when the third, and final book is released. I totally recommend these books to anyone. Fantasy lovers, action/adventure people, anybody! You can go to Brandon Sandersons website to learn more about the world and the charcters.

Updates? Wait? I'm supposed to update my blog?

I guess maybe it's time for me to actually update my blog. :)

School is going really good. I'm taking the best acting class ever! My professer is genius. The rest of my classes are pretty good. Nothing extremly exciting but it is ten million times better than last semester.

So I have a question to ask the like 3 people who actually read this. ;) What do you think of me staying spring semester and just taking summer off? It would only be like two extra months. I've been thinking about it but I can't make up my mind. Any input would be appriciated.

So, I've got cleaning check this week and I'm abouit ready to kill somebody. The RA doing it this month is a freaking Nazi! It's like she doesn't understand we have other things to do besides clean the apartment. Pathetic!

But besides that, everything is going well. No worries! :)