Saturday, February 11, 2012

The City By the Bay

I'm sitting in the Long Beach airport with nothing to do. It's a problem when you spend more time traveling then at your destination.

I spent yesterday night and a few hours this morning in San Francisco. I was there to audition for a spot in The New School's MFA drama program. I had to do a couple monologues for the DEAN of the program. That was nerve-wracking! But I survived. Let's just hope I impressed them enough to get a callback.

The city itself wasn't bad. It kind of reminded me of NYC. If New York was built in the middle of some hills and had a really crappy subway system.

The food was fab! Last night I went to Pier 39 and had some traditional sourdough at the Boudin Cafe. This afternoon I had some of the best curry of my life!

So overall a good trip just promise me that I will never have to spend another second at the Long Beach Airport.