Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New York Day 2: Sunday in the City

We started our second day in the city by heading to church. It was a little bizzare going to church in the temple. There aren't LDS churches on every block like in Provo or Rexburg. The ward was amazing! It is cool to see that no matter where you go the church is always the same.

Next, we decided to take it easy and spent about 2 and half hours wandering around Central Park. I haven't seen the entire city yet but I can say with a high level of confidence that Central Park is my absolute favorite part of the city. It was overcast and was raining off and on all day and it was a perfect day for a stroll. The park is like in the city without being of the city, if you know what I mean. You could see all of the buildings and cars driving up and down Central Park Way but all that you could hear were the birds chirping. I took lots of pictures so I will just share a few.

This is the fountain from Enchanted!

I thought this was hilarious. I have a morbid sense of humor.

And after much searching we found Strawberry Fields. This a memorial to John Lennon located directly across from the building where he was shot in 1980. I just need to go to Abbey Road and then my life will be complete

Also look what I found.

Then that night the whole team took the subway to Brooklyn to go to a fireside at the Stake President's home. It was...interesting... I could rant for hours about the craziness that was the fireside...Ask me if you really want to know...