Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

I still remember where I was when I first heard the news. It was a normal day. I had just started 7th grade and was still getting used to my new homeroom. Then the principle started morning announcements. There was something different in his voice. He then explained of the tragedy that was currently unfolding in NYC. My teacher quickly ran to the television. All day we just watched the news and stared in horror. No one could believe what was happening. I remember sitting in gym talking with a friend. Even then we both knew this was huge. It would change the face of not only the United States but also the world. This would be in history books. This was going to be our generations Vietnam. It was this day that ultimately lead to my decision to be involved with politics. One final thought, today we need to remember what brings us together. There is enough fighting and contention in the world. Hate only breeds hate. Injustice only breeds injustice. In those few days and weeks after 9/11 this country came together in a way that has ever been seen. There is no reason why we cannot have that spirit with us all the time. To not remember is a mockery to those who died that day.

Here is an article that summarizes President Obama’s thoughts that I think is defiantly worth a read.