Wednesday, February 6, 2008

And the winner is...

I have tried to follow the presidential election very closely. And, as you can imagine, yesterday was crazy for me. Super Tuesday was a mess this year. As of right now Hillary Clinton has 50.2% of the democratic votes and Barack Obama has 49.8%. Do you even relize how close that is!? This is one of the most inconclusive polls I have ever heard of! (Which really isn't saying much, but still...) Deligate numbers are even closer. Obama leads Clinton by 13! On the Republican side McCain led with 497 delegates, to 200 for Romney and 141 for Huckabee. Which is slightly more clear cut but everything is still up in air. We still have got to wait a bit longer for the conventions to finish and offical canidates to be choosen. And then the real race begins!

**For up to the min. election and other news coverage check out The Drudge Report