Who the HELL do you think you are BP!?! 77 days and you have done jack! Top hats and junk shots?! Are you kidding me? Do you have a 13 year old boy planning your relief operations?! You should have started with the relief well on day 1! Or maybe you should have followed protocol! That would have been cool and then we could have avoided this mess!!
There is absolutely no reason for this oil spill to have happened and now the company that has responsibility over the spill is continuing to slack off. I have said for ages that off-shore drilling is dangerous. (How is it that a 12 year old can have more foresight that a multi-billion dollar oil conglomerate!?) There are too many unknown variables to deal with when you drill. While it doesn't happen often when something goes wrong it's freaking oil Armageddon! A lose bolt and some dead batteries caused this mess. Just imagine what would have gone down if something really bad had happened. We'd probably be swimming up to our ears in crude all the way up here in Idaho...The only good thing that BP has done is set up that $20 billion relief fund.
"The cost of the response to date amounts to approximately 3.12 billion dollars, including the cost of the spill response, containment, relief well drilling, grants to the Gulf states, claims paid, and federal costs," BP said
So that is helpful. We have got money to fix the problem. However, I would have liked to use that money to get rid of our dependence on oil, create some alternative energy infrastructure in the country, or get that blasted hydrogen car they've been talking about for 20 years working. Something besides cleaning oil from pelicans which is something that we should never have to do anyways...
Jon Stewart is my hero so everyone just enjoy this clip while I go take a few deep breaths.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Day 59 - Judgment Day - The Strife Aquatic | ||||
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