Friday, July 23, 2010

Sick to Death

I read stuff like this and it makes me want to punch people in the face...

Last week Arkansas gubernatorial Tea party, write-in candidate, Billy Roper, had this to say:
I don’t want non-whites in my country in any form or fashion or any status.
Seriously? Are there really still bigots of this level in this country? The answer is absolutely and they are proud of it too! Mr. Roper is the founder and leader of White Revolution, the second largest Neo-Nazi organization in the United States. I really don't want to get into it all because it makes me sick to my stomach but here is an article that describes the activities that this man has been involved in. Seriously, don't read this if you are easily disturbed...The other scary thing; they (meaning his group of white supremacists) want to elect this guy president in 2012.

I am so glad I don't live in Arkansas...If you have any friends or family that do however, tell them NOT to vote for Billy Roper in Novemeber.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I write like
Kurt Vonnegut
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Can I See Your Green Card Please?

Again, this is kind of old news. I don't know why I haven't written about it yet, but this time it is personal.

Arizona has passed this lovely law that gives police officers unfettered authority to demand that any individual they deem to be illegal produce their papers to prove their legal status. How does one suppose the officers will determine if they think someone is illegal? I'll give you a hint...
The United States Supreme Court, in a 1975 case, ruled that immigration officers can include racial or ethnic identity among factors in deciding whether to check someone’s right to be in the country. (NYT, 6/18/10)
That's right folks; racial profiling has legal precedent! Good job Supreme Court...

As a Mexican-American I feel personally attacked by this law. Okay, so I don't look or sound Mexican but my father does and under this law, if he were in Arizona, he would be required to prove that he is a citizen if any random officer decided to go on a power trip. I understand that an illegal act is an illegal act however, this law does nothing to solve the real problem and as such is merely a useless piece of "band-aid" legislation. Except this band-aid also happens to be covered in the grime of racial discrimination.

A real solution to illegal immigration is not to deport every single one of them, or patrol the border with assault rifles, or even to build a giant fence. A real solution will come when we make visas and work permits cheaper and easier to obtain. People cross illegally (and as drug runners) because 99% of the time it is the only way they can afford to make into the United States to find work. The money they make in the States is often the only income that a family will have seen in months and definitely the most they will have seen in years. All of the paperwork that is required to legal cross the border is about $500 or more per person. For a family of five that's $2500 which is (on average) more than most people make in 5 months in Mexico. Imagine spending a little over a third of you yearly income just so you can find a job. This is why people illegally come into the country. They have to choose between legally crossing the border or having food for the next few months. The Immigration Departments bureaucracy and greed is what needs to be fixed not the "illegal problem".

To Contemplate the Mysteries of Life

I have nothing particularly interesting or important to say this evening. However, I felt like writing on my blog so deal with it!

I have been thinking a lot about my life. What exactly do I want to do with it? I thought graduating from high school was a time of big decisions. Was I ever wrong! There are just so many things that I want to do and no time or money to do any of them.

I want to travel. I want to get out of this country and experience the real world for a little while.

I want to be on stage. I wish I were still acting. I already know that not doing the BFA will be one of the biggest regrets of my life.

 I just wish I could do everything that I love!

Why do there have to be so many choices...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Underwater Armageddon

This has been a long time coming. I think I was just trying to built up a sufficient amount of rage before I unleashed myself.


Who the HELL do you think you are BP!?! 77 days and you have done jack! Top hats and junk shots?! Are you kidding me? Do you have a 13 year old boy planning your relief operations?! You should have started with the relief well on day 1! Or maybe you should have followed protocol! That would have been cool and then we could have avoided this mess!!

There is absolutely no reason for this oil spill to have happened and now the company that has responsibility over the spill is continuing to slack off. I have said for ages that off-shore drilling is dangerous. (How is it that a 12 year old can have more foresight that a multi-billion dollar oil conglomerate!?) There are too many unknown variables to deal with when you drill. While it doesn't happen often when something goes wrong it's freaking oil Armageddon! A lose bolt and some dead batteries caused this mess. Just imagine what would have gone down if something really bad had happened. We'd probably be swimming up to our ears in crude all the way up here in Idaho...The only good thing that BP has done is set up that $20 billion relief fund.

"The cost of the response to date amounts to approximately 3.12 billion dollars, including the cost of the spill response, containment, relief well drilling, grants to the Gulf states, claims paid, and federal costs," BP said

 So that is helpful. We have got money to fix the problem. However, I would have liked to use that money to get rid of our dependence on oil, create some alternative energy infrastructure in the country, or get that blasted hydrogen car they've been talking about for 20 years working. Something besides cleaning oil from pelicans which is something that we should never have to do anyways...


Jon Stewart is my hero so everyone just enjoy this clip while I go take a few deep breaths.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Day 59 - Judgment Day - The Strife Aquatic
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party