Leaders from the island nation of the Maldives held a meeting on the ocean floor to bring attention to the dangers of climate change. This was brilliant! It was shocking, informative, and pretty funny. (I'm not going to lie I laughed pretty hard the first time I saw the picture.) This is just the kind of thing that world leaders need to see to get them in gear to deal with climate change. Maldives is uniquely threatened (as are most island nations) by climate change. If sea levels continue to rise due to melting ice the entire Maldivian nation would be underwater in 100 years!
(Here is the original article.)
But it isn’t only small pacific islands that could be destroyed. The entire world is venerable to the shifting climate and shifting sea levels. Current borders will be disrupted. Many of the major cities in the US will be threatened; NYC, LA, Miami, and New Orleans just to name a few. And global food production is going to suffer dramatically. Increased (or decreased) temperatures are going to change the length of the growing season making harvests less productive and in turn increasing the global food shortage. These are just a few of the catastrophes that await us if we do nothing to combat climate change. We need to invest in alternative, renewable, clean energy as a nation and as a global community before it is too late.
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