Tuesday, November 10, 2009

1 Timothy 2:1-2

The Two Futures Project (2FP) is a movement of American Christians for the abolition of all nuclear weapons. We believe that we face two futures and one choice: a world without nuclear weapons or a world ruined by them. We support the multilateral, global, irreversible, and verifiable elimination of nuclear weapons, as a biblically-grounded mandate and as a contemporary security imperative.
Our change strategy is based around the creation of a nonpartisan, conscience-driven, enduring majority of Americans who are committed to a nuclear weapons-free world. By joining together with one voice of Christian conscience, we seek to encourage and enable our national leaders to make the complete elimination of nuclear weapons the organizing principle of American nuclear weapons policy. We join in this work to the glory of God.
via About 2FP >> Two Futures Project

Non-proliferation is not, and should not be, a solely Christian goal for the world. This coalition categorizes disarmament in a Christian world-view when it should be all-inclusive. All religions and all people must work together toward non-proliferation and disarmament. This is a goal that can be achieved.

I’ve said this before; I am an idealist so all the cynics out there will probably scoff at my conclusion. There is no way we are safer with weapons than with without them. The world was made inherently more dangerous when the first nuclear weapons were built and tested. Game theory would suggest that if only one nation (or very small group of nations) held all the nuclear weapons in the world that group would be more protected against attacks but as more and more nations gain access to weapons the world becomes exponentially more dangerous. So according to game theory what would be the most beneficial outcome for everyone? To not have any nuclear weapons!

Disarmament and non-proliferation is not going to be easy but it will be worth it. We cannot surrender to the idea that a nuclear world is inevitable. Those who claim nuclear weapons are key to continued US competiveness and key to keeping the peace have a very cynical and short sighted very of human nature.

This is a report sent by the Carnegie Foundation outlining ways the United States can be a leader in abolishing nuclear weapons.