Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I can't think of a witty enough title

So I'm thinking about trying something new. It's pretty scary for me and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. Don't worry it's nothing too weird. Please don't laugh...or maybe you should laugh...crap. This might not work. Did you laugh just then? If the answer is yes then you can keep reading. If it was no then please stop reading immediately and go find something better to occupy your time.

Okay so I want to do stand-up comedy. I know it's weird and crazy and improbable and the hardest performing art to break into and I suck at the whole writing jokes thing but I think it would be fun. And the BYU stand-up club doesn't have a girl so that like gives me a better chance, right? Okay so probably affirmative action doesn't apply in this situation.

...Yeah so I'm already starting to doubt my abilities. I'll get back to you guys...


The Reinerts said...

Do it! Do it! Do it!!!! There is no harm in trying. And if you don't, you will never know! I believe in you!